CFP: 14th World Congress of Semiotics, Buenos Aires

14th World Congress of Semiotics
of the International Association for Semiotics Studies /
Association Internationale de Sémiotique (IASS/AIS) organized
by the Asociación Argentina de Semiótica – AAS and
the Universidad Nacional de las Artes – UNA,

Buenos Aires, 9-13 september 2019

*2nd announcement - Call for papers*


This is the announcement for the 14th World Congress of Semiotics of the 
International Association for Semiotic Studies – IASS/AIS, to be held on 
September 9-13, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The congress will take 
places on the premises of the National University of Arts (UNA).

*Theme and axes*

This time, the word “trajectories” has been chosen for the theme of the 
Congress, taking into account the remarkable wealth of meanings arising 
from its contemporary uses, applicable from different perspectives to 
the description of the continuities and changes that compose the 
discipline. We consider that the best example can be found in the 
trajectory of definitions of the very notion of semiotics.

_Theme and axes 

*Presentation of abstracts*

* Title of presentation

* Author/s

* Institution (indicate for each author)

* Country

* E-mail (one for each author)

* Thematic axis (two axes can be chosen)

* Five keywords

* The presentations should be between 300 and 500 words in length.


*Proposals Submission*

The proposal and abstract submission must be carried out through the 
specific section of the website (from 01/10/2018)



The accepted languages of the Congress and the publication are the 
official ones of the IASS/AIS (English, French, Spanish and German). In 
addition, Portuguese will be included as invited language at the 
suggestion of the Organizing Committee of the Congress and by the 
endorsement of the IASS-AIS Bureau.


*Deadlines for submission and proposals acceptance*

* Presentation of abstracts: from October 1 to December 5, 2018

* Confirmation of acceptance of abstracts: by February 28, 2019



Each participant will be registered once their abstract is accepted and 
the corresponding fee has been paid. The payment will be made 
exclusively through the electronic system of the Congress website.

*Organizing Committee*

Asociación Argentina de Semiótica (AAS): María Teresa Dalmasso, Oscar 
Traversa, Claudio Guerri, Oscar Steimberg, Gastón Cingolani

Universidad Nacional de las Artes (UNA): Marita Soto, Sergio Ramos, 
Federico Baeza


*Executive Committee*

José Luis Caivano, Beatriz Sznaider, Pablo Porto López, Manuel Libenson, 
Carolina Rochi, Carina Perticone, Natalia Laube, Damián del Valle, Ruth 


*Bureau IASS-AIS 2014-2019*


Paul Cobley (United Kingdom)

/Secretary general/

Kristian Bankov (Bulgaria)


Anne Hénault (France), José Enrique Finol (Venezuela), Kim Sung-do 
(Korea), Mohamed

Bernoussi (Morocco), Susan Petrilli (Australia/Italia)

/Vice-secretary general/

Priscila Borges (Brazil)


Daina Teters (Latvia) Jie Zhang (China)

/Vice- Treasuriers/

Stephanie Walsh Matthews (Canada)

/Honorary Presidents/

Eero Tarasti (Finland), Umberto Eco (Italy), Jerzy Pelc (Poland), Roland 
Posner (Germany), Cesare Segre (Italy), Gloria Withalm (Austria)

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